with exception of Outdoor Wood Burning Appliances
All High risk activity must cease

Visitor Fire Safety Assessment

Welcome to the Pender Islands! We hope that you have a great visit, and enjoy all that our islands have to offer. To improve your safety during your stay, we’d suggest that you take a few moments to check the Fire Safety of your accommodations*.

Visibility and Access

  • House numbers clearly visible from roadway, both day and night
  • Building address and emergency numbers posted near telephone


  • Smoke alarms installed on every level, at least one carbon monoxide alarm, all audible throughout home
  • Alarms tested monthly, batteries replaced yearly (Not sure? Test it now!)

Escape Planning

  • "Everyone knows what to do if a fire starts: Two ways to exit, where to meet; call 911 from safe location; once you’re out – stay out! "
  • Everyone knows the street address and location


  • Cooking is NEVER left unattended – including stoves, ovens, toasters, kettles, and barbecues
  • Appliance cords are in good conditions, with no frays or cracks
  • Curtains, towels and other flammables are kept clear of stove, toaster, kettle or any heat source
  • There is an ABC Fire Extinguisher, near kitchen exit – easily accessible and with current inspection (Division B,

Living Areas and Bedrooms

  • All electrical cords are in good condition – no cracks, frays or splices;
  • Electrical outlets are not overloaded, and electrical panel is unobstructed
  • No wires or extension cords run under carpets or rugs
  • Fireplaces and stoves have metal screens or fully closing doors
  • There is an ABC Fire Extinguisher near wood stove/fireplace, near exit, with current inspection
  • There is an ABC Fire Extinguisher near woodstove/fireplace, near exit, with current inspection
  • Portable heaters are away from doorways, combustibles and exit routes
  • Hallways are clear of obstructions (toys, furniture, suitcases, sporting gear, etc.
  • Windows and security screens can be easily opened from inside, without keys or tools, for emergency exit (Are the windows large enough for you to get through easily?)
  • Upper level bedrooms have emergency ladders, or safe access to the ground
  • Baseboard heaters and lamps clear of flammable materials; curtains, sheets, towels, clothing, books, etc.
  • Candles are extinguished when you leave the room, or LED candles are used
  • A phone is near your bed
  • Nobody, absolutely nobody, smokes in bed
  • Lint trap in dryer is cleaned after every use, and vent ducting cleaned regularly
  • Cigarettes or other smoking materials are always extinguished in proper receptacles

Pender Island Fire Rescue

4423 Bedwell Harbour Road
Pender Island, BC V0N 2M1

Phone: 250-629-3321

© Pender Island Fire Rescue 2024
Website design, programming and home page photo by Sergei Petrov

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